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Tuesday 9 October 2007


Hello Everyone on the MA in Journalism course at Brunel. Welcome to my new blog. I was blogging away last night, I never thought I would say it but I'm a blog addict. Wonder what you call that bloggaholic? Well anyway I was getting into all the advanced layout stuff and decided to add another YouTube political video just to remind me to watch the news a bit more and add a newsy (is that a word?) feel to my blog and I wanted videos of ITN newsreaders in action just so that I could recreate on-line the memory of visiting ITN. Anyway, all was well at first and I was starting to have a professional looking blog, then all of a sudden, CRASH, it didn't work. The screen froze and I couldn't blog anymore. What am I to do? I was starting to panic, this forms part of the course. A bloggaholic (wonder if this term catches on amongst my fellow trainee journos?) must blog so I created a brand new blog page with NEWS, VIEWS, AND INTERVIEWS....all this rhyming is reminding me of shortland classes "at, able to ability, etc.....zzzzzzzzzzz" by that point I notice a few pairs of eyes shut in class, the pain of shorthand will make us gain valuable notetaking skills, hopefully without driving a few students insane in the process. Where was I? This is my new blog that I will use to post relevant news and notes for the purpose of my MA. I really like this on-line journalism, you get to be artistic at the same time. As a visually minded and creative artistic student this is right up my street. Well despite messing up my last blog, an artistic work in progress, I learnt a lot. Two weeks ago I was a novice blogger, now I'm a bloggaholic. I must now go and learn shorthand, and law and government. The list is endless.... And if any of my classmates are reading this today, don't forget your digital camera for class tomorrow, plus learn your teeline, it's only for an hour-and-a-half so I'm sure you won't fall asleep by 10.30am tomorrow.

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